
      1. 'A Muslim's Heart'(dawsonmedia). Edward Hoskins. 'What every Christian needs to            know to share Christ with Muslims"
2. 'Contemporary English Version' and 'Good News Translation' New Testament or            Bible - in simple English.

3. 'Engaging Islam'(Treeline Publishing). Georges Houssney. Alerts Christians to the               challenges and opportunities of reaching Muslims worldwide.

4. 'The Young Reader's Bible'(Standard Publishing). Bonnie Bruno & Carol Reinsma.           Great for Adult readers with limited English.

5. 'Woman to Woman, Sharing Jesus with a Muslim Friend' (Chosen Books). Joy                 Loewen. Stories and teaching on reaching Muslim women in the West.

6. 'Your Muslim Friend' & 'Votre ami musulman'(self published). Ed & Joy Loewen. Inspirational, practical, good for first steps in ministry.